【同义词辨析】 2019-04-16 欺骗dishonest-untruthful

dishonest: implies a willful perversion of truth in order to deceive, cheat, defraud: a swindle usually involves ~ people.   perverse歪曲扭曲语气很重,表示错误无理怪异wrong-headed, unreasonable, and cranky如the perversion of justice歪曲正义,sexual perversion变态,因此dishonest的语气在这一组属于最重的,和lying接近)  deceive欺骗的目的是让人"把假的东西当真",cheat欺骗作弊的目的是让人"不知道", defraud欺诈的目的是让人"财产或利益受损失"         swindle诈骗,规模较大,小规模是scam,如telecom scam电信诈骗

deceitful: usually implies an intent to mislead and commonly suggests a false appearance or duplicitous behavior: leant of the secret of his ~ partner.    duplicitous伪装的两面派的,词根dup表示two。

mendacious: less forthright than lying, may suggest bland or even harmless mischievous deceit and often suggests a habit of telling untruths: his sea story became increasingly ~.     forthright直截了当       (bland平淡not intense, strong,如bland personality平淡沉闷的个性,bland food平淡低油低盐的食物,这里表示不重要没什么大不了)

lying: implies a specific act or instance rather than a habit or tendency and suggests guilt: a conviction based upon testimony of a ~ witness.

untruthful: is a less harsh term than lying and stresses a discrepancy between what is said or represented and the facts or reality of the situation rather than an intent to deceive: the version given in her memoirs is ~ in several respects.

dishonest欺诈的(重): 指任意曲解事实,目的是欺诈舞弊,deceitful欺骗的: 使用虚假的言行误导他人,mendacious扯谎(贬义轻): 表示说些没什么大不了的甚至无害的谎话,lying欺骗的: 指特定事实,问题严重(guilt罪,至少是严重错误),untruthful不真实: 强调言语和事实不符,而非故意欺骗,不像lying那么重。

记忆方法: 1)首字母DDMLU想成LoaD MUD装稀泥<==欺骗误导

         2)欺骗的意思是不值得信任mean unworthy of trust or belief.